General Information — The California Real Estate license salesperson examination consists of 150 multiple-choice questions. You will be given three hours to complete the examination.
Examination Security — In some Department of Real Estate District Offices, examinees may be subject to security screening.
Exam Room Security — For security reasons, the following items are not permitted inside of the examination room: cellphones, purses, wallets, backpacks, briefcases, suitcases, food, drink, study materials, tablets, portable computers, PDA’s, calculators, cameras, video or digital recording devices, watches, lapel pins, tie tacks, and other items deemed inappropriate by exam proctors. Basic calculators are provided for your use; therefore, use of a personal calculator will not be allowed. Cell phone use is prohibited during the examination, and while on break from the examination. All cell phones must be turned off and surrendered before entering the exam room.
Notification of Examination Results — If you take the exam in an electronic format, you will usually receive your results immediately after completing the exam. If you take the exam in a paper-and-pencil format, it may take five to seven business days to receive the results. To obtain your examination results, you can use eLicensing or call the DRE Examination Section at (877) 373-4542 and use the Interactive Voice Response system. Please wait at least five business days after taking your examination before calling.
To pass the examination, you must correctly answer at least 75 percent of the questions. Since the examination is qualifying in nature, examinees who pass are not informed of their final score. Those who pass will be sent an application for a license. If you do not pass, you will be notified of the actual score and the percentage of questions answered correctly in each of the subject areas of the examination. The average of each percentage is not the overall score. Those who do not receive a passing grade may apply to re-take the examination.