On the real estate exam you will hear words like Mortgagor, Mortgagee, Optionor, Optionee, Devisee, Devisor. And the list can go on. In this video, Mark will explain what you should know about the suffix “or” and “ee”. After that, he will have a tip to remember these and practice questions to check your knowledge.
Get your California real estate license with Real Estate School in Coachella Valley!
If you have already taken the three college level courses and only need to prepare for the state exam, we suggest this option. Our instructor will review the most important topics typically found on the State Exam. This full day review will help you pass the test the first time.
In addition to lecture on basic real estate subjects, this live prep course will include:
1. Helpful exam taking hints that will add points to your score
2. A simplified approach to solving word problems
3. Strategies for the white board that you are provided
4. Strategies for those who are not good at complex math problems
and much more!