You have finished reading three very long pre-licensing courses with almost two thousand pages. You have been studying hard to pass your Real Estate Exam. But then the day of the exam comes. As you are walking into Exam site you notice your sweaty palms and a pit in your stomach. You feel so nervous.

It’s completely normal to feel a bit nervous before a test. But for some people, this normal anxiety is more intense. If this sounds like you, you may have a case of test anxiety – that nervous feeling that people sometimes get when they’re about to take a test.

According to the ADAA, causes of test anxiety may include a fear of failure, lack of adequate prep time, or bad experiences taking tests in the past. You’re not alone! When you prepare adequately in advance and know what to do during the test you will be more confident and less fearful. Feeling ready to meet the challenge can keep test anxiety at a manageable level. Even though we can not show all of our top secrets here that we teach at the One Day Live Prep Course we are revealing one of our CONFIDENTIAL/CLASSIFIED/TOP SECRETS! Here are 5 Exam Day Tips for Passing Your Real Estate Exam.

1. Get to the Exam Site early
(Arrive no more than 1/2 hour prior to exam.)
Feeling rushed will only amp up the anxiety. Parking may be limited at the exam site. So, pack everything you need for the exam the night before and set the alarm so you can get out the door on time.

2. Have strategies for the white board 
After you enter the exam room, you are provided a small white board, marker, eraser, and calculator. The small white board is an important test-taking tool. You need to have strategies ready to how to maximize it. Do not make any notes on the erasable white board until after the proctor starts the exam. We teach 6 strategies at the One Day Live Prep Course.

3. Read every word
Read the exam questions and answers slowly and carefully. Be alert for key or clue words in any question. Obvious key words include:
May, should, might, not, must, best, could, can, or most.

4. Don’t pay attention to what other people are doing
Pay attention to your own test and pace, and forget about the other applicants in the room.

5. Focus on calm breathing and positive thoughts
Deep breathing can slow down a beating heart or a racing mind. Remember, you have put a lot of work into preparing for this exam. Come up with a morale-boosting mantra like “I can do this” or “I worked hard and deserve this.”

Additional Tips for passing your real estate exam

These five tips for passing your real estate exam are simple things you can do to help ensure you pass the exam on the first try. If you need a confidence boost, sign up for our One Day Prep Course. Our One Day Live Prep Course increases your chances of passing the Real Estate Exam the first time. Our instructor will reveal our top secret tips and strategies to pass the exam. These tips are something you don’t learn from other blogs or schools! It’s why our passing rate for the first timer is higher than other schools!

Our top secret tips on how to pass your Real Estate Exam include:

• Strategies for those who are not good at complex math problems
• Strategies for the white board that you are provided
• Interpretation of especially confusing exam questions
• Helpful exam taking hints that will add points to your score

And so much more! For more information visit Real Estate Exam 1 Day Live Prep Course page.